The nation’s highest decision-making body is called the Landskap (meaning county or province). The Landskap is a meeting where all the members of the nation are invited to raise their voices about issues ranging from the budget to who should be responsible for the Friday restaurant next semester. Ordinary Landskap are held twice per semester and is followed by a Sexa, where we then join the business with pleasure!
All members are welcome!
Everyone who works at the nation does it voluntarily (except the full-time curators [kuratorerna], who receive the equivalent CSN in salary) and are elected at the Landskap by voting. This means that it is the students themselves who decide who will govern the nation, and in which direction it should be governed.
The counselors (Kuratorerna) are four students chosen by the Landskap to take a year’s leave from studies to work full time at the nation, more about them could be found here.
They would not have so much to do if it were not for all involved students with both big and small contributions who helps this nation to survive. It is this commitment that ensures that we will continue to be for students by students.
The Nation’s first statutes were adopted on 8th of November 1646. The statutes can be equated with the nation’s constitution, they describe who we are and how we work.
The last version of the statutes were adopted during the Landskap 7th of March 2017. The Landskap decided to use more gender neutral terms. You can read it here.