Who can become a member?

The original purpose of the nation was to act as a home away from home for students from the province of Östergötland. Today, we no longer require a connection to Östergötland to become a member, although a large portion of our members still hail from Östergötland.

The requirement for membership is simply being a registered student of Uppsala University or Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU).

How do I become a member?

Becoming a member is easier than one might think! If you are passing by the nation you can visit the first curator’s office hours, or our registration hosts at the beginning of each semester.

If you are not able to visit the nation yourself, you can register and pay online via medlem.kuratorskonventet.se/en. However, if you are a new member you have to visit the nation to get authorised, for this you need your ID and proof of study.

What are the benefits of membership?

As a member of Östgöta nation one enjoys an abundance of benefits. Each semester as a member amounts to a point in our housing queue, which is how you apply for housing. Members also recieve discounts in our pub and café, early access to gasque tickets, as well as free entry into our club events. The membership also allows for entry into any of the nation’s restaurants and cultural events.

Social Media

To easily stay up-to-date with what is happening in the nation, you can always keep a look out on the website, or follow us on the nation’s social media.